In Context

Why NSFAS will not pay for your Varsity College education

If you are planning on furthering your studies at Varsity College, it is important to note that NSFAS will not offer you any assistance.

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) helps many students across the country, but this scheme does not pay for studies at private institutions.

Why NSFAS will not pay for your Varsity College education

Deciding to further your education can open up a whole new world of possibilities. But, unfortunately, this important step in your education journey will likely not be affordable.

This is why in South Africa, students that come from families with an income of R350,000 or less qualify for special government bursaries from NSFAS.

NSFAS was established under the Department of Higher Education and Training, in accordance with the NSFAS Act (Act 56 of 1999).

But, while the NSFAS bursaries can really come in handy for students looking who want to further their studies at one of the country’s many public universities or vocational education and training(TVET) colleges – they are not available for studies at private institutions like Varsity College.

Getting into the technicalities

In South Africa, education is a matter of law. But although Section 29 (1)(a) of the South African constitution does state that everyone has the right to basic education, including adult basic education, this section is a little more lenient when it comes to the state’s duty to provide tertiary education.

Section 29 (1)(b) states that the government should ensure only that further education is made “progressively available and accessible” through reasonable measures.

And since NSFAS does provide access for eligible students to the South African public Universities and certain TVET colleges, this duty is technically fulfilled.

The institutions that NSFAS will pay for

NSFAS will not fund your accommodation, transport, books or personal care if you are studying at a private institution like Varsity College, but it will help to partially cover these expenses if you plan to study at any of the following institutions:

  • Any of the 26 public universities in South Africa
  • Studies for the National Certificate (Vocational) and studies for the National Accredited Technical Education Diploma (NATED) courses at 50 TVET colleges across the country

Alternative options

The program fees at Varsity College will vary depending on the classes that you have registered for. Some fees can even exceed R100,000 per annum.

However, while NSFAS will not be of much assistance when it comes to studying at Varsity College, the college does have a number of bursaries to lighten the financial load.

This includes bursaries for both new students and returning students, which you can read about on the Varsity College website.

Varsity College has also partnered with a service called Student Hero, which aims to connect prospective students with funding providers throughout the country.

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