Working from home can be quite difficult but taking heed of the following tips may just save you from going through the common mistakes many new at-home individuals experience.
With the rise of technology, many individuals are opting for the at-home lifestyle. Why go into the office when you can sit in the comfort of your home the whole day and get just as much work done? Although, how exactly is this done?
Working from Home Requires a lot of Self-Discipline
Many imagine sitting in their pyjamas and sleeping in late. Although, the reality is that working from home requires a lot of self-discipline because no one is constantly overseeing your progress.
Do not expect to make a Lot of Money in the Beginning
Working from home is a work in progress. You will probably not make much money in the beginning. You may have to take on freelance jobs or online positions with low pay.
Remember that it is Easier to Exploit Online Workers
Due to outsourcing, overseas companies can easily exploit South Africans working online by paying them low wages and expecting full-time work under the guise of freelance contracts.
Move from a Full-time Office Job to a Part-Time Online Job
Unless you are living with your parents, quitting your job is not the best option. Rather, start working from home on the side and when you start to build enough experience, you can slowly move into the online space permanently.
If you would like to take a riskier approach, you might be able to slowly start turning your full-time job into a part time online job by following certain strategies cited in books such as Tim Ferris’s ‘4 Hour Work Week’. Although, these strategies have been challenged as delusional and immoral.
If you are thinking of taking the leap and try working from home, remember that it is not as easy and glamorous as it may seem. As with all successful ventures, hard work is always a must.