Factors contributing to dirty environments within most disadvantaged communities, despite there being existing local government structures such as local municipalities in place to deliver basic services to residents.
Reasons as to why the environment in most communities continues to be dirty amidst the existence of local government structures can mostly be attributed to a lack of service delivery in these communities. The respective municipalities put in charge of ensuring cleaner and more dignified environments for communities may not be fulfilling their duties.
Municipalities form part of government structures assigned to communities, most of which are considered disadvantaged, living in the filthiest and dirtiest environments. These communities would be identified as communities that have been neglected by their municipalities, who have failed in attempting to reverse or decrease the levels of dirt in these environments.
Municipalities are there to deliver basic services to people, such as water supply, sewerage collection and disposal, refuse removal, electricity and gas supply, municipal health services and many others. In the case whereby communities are living in dirty environments, services are most likely not being delivered as required.
Environments which are considered to be dirty are those that are swimming in uncollected sewerage and disposal that a municipality has not collected. In addition, communities that are drowning in pollution and waste due to uncollected refuse that has been left to sting by municipalities.
All of these, amongst other factors, can result in poor health and hygiene practices adopted by the people of these communities, leading to increased spread of illnesses and diseases. This is due to the toxic environment and atmosphere these communities are living in.
Local government structures have been identified to be notorious for failing people to this extent. Many local governments and municipalities can be found to be embroiled in illegal activities that result in a failure to deliver basic services to residents, such as wasteful expenditure or corruption and abuse of funds intended to deliver services to communities. These actions by the local government structures end up impacting communities negatively.