
Why are Impact Studies important?

The definition of impact and its effect on policy – this can only be achieved through impact studies. Here is why.

Impact studies is a field of research which is used to measure levels of improvement within various sectors. Impact studies most often measure the effectiveness of new policy or initiative on a group of people or an organisation.

This is why these types of studies are important to business, education and government sectors:

  1. Impact studies determine one important factor: change. New policies are implemented to foster a change within the system to benefit individuals or an organisation. They measure the result of change from new policy.
  2. These types of studies inform policy makers about potential economic, social, and environmental effects. These studies also show the effect of policy on people’s everyday lives.
  3. Impact studies contribute to continuous learning in policy development by identifying negative outcomes in previous policy changes. By learning from past mistakes, governments and businesses can only improve their policy making.