Public entrance fees for the Pretoria Zoo are R110 for adults as well as R75 for children.
The Pretoria Zoo or National Zoological Garden’s entrance fees for 2018 are R110 per adult and R75 per child. In terms of school groups, from Monday to Wednesday it’s R50 for the group and from Thursday to Friday it’s R70 for the group. If you register to become a Friend of the Zoo, your entrance fees will be lowered to R40 per adult and R30 per child. You also gain two complimentary visits to participate in all hosted events and a reduction of fees for the FUN WALK which occurs monthly. The membership costs R125 annually for an individual or R300 annually for a family. If you have more than three children, R30 extra will be charged annually for each child.
According to their official website, the zoo “houses 3,117 specimens of 209 mammal species, 1,358 specimens of 202 bird species, 3,871 specimens of 190 fish species, 388 specimens of 4 invertebrate species, 309 specimens of 93 reptile species, and 44 specimens of 7 amphibian species.”
If you want to buy a ticket you need to purchase it between 8:30 and 16:30.