
Virginia Woolf’s 136th birthday commemorated in Google Doodle

Google dedicated its Doodle on 25 January 2018 to British writer and feminist, Virginia Woolf.

Woolf, whose maiden name was Stephen, was born in west London on 25 January 1882 and died on 28 March 1941. She is best known for writing several pioneering pieces including, A Room of One’s Own, To the Lighthouse, Orlando and Mrs Dalloway.

To some, Woolf was a pioneer in using “stream of consciousness as a narrative device”, and moved on to be one of the key actors in feminist literary criticism in the 1970s.

Woolf committed suicide on 28 March 1941. She was 59 years old.

The Doodle is currently drawing interest from Google users in all major cities in five continents, with Africa being the only exception. For many, the Doodle is a fitting tribute to Virginia Woolf, and her place in the history of modernist literature.