
Soft White Underbelly: A YouTube channel you should definitely watch

A harsh look into the reality of those living in Skid Row, this YouTube channel directly confronts the darkest parts of humanity.

If you’re looking for some easy, digestible entertainment, this channel is not for you. However, if you are interested in exploring the depths of the human condition, and learning to understand individuals that many seem to dehumanize, then you’re in the right place.

Firstly, what’s with the name? This is the first question that popped into my mind when YouTube recommended one of Soft White Underbelly’s videos.

According to Stars Offline, this eerie title was derived “from Winston Churchill who, back in World War II, named Italy the soft white underbelly, a vulnerable part in Europe.”

This channel interviews homeless individuals living in the dilapidated and infamous Los Angeles neighbourhood of Skid Row. From addicts, prostitutes, rapists, paedophiles and murderers, this channel forces you to look at the parts of humanity that many of us don’t even want to think about.

According to creator himself, Mark Laita, “These videos are meant to create awareness of things that are broken in our country. If we don’t look at some of these things, they’re just going to continue to grow and get worse and worse.”

The following video from the channel personifies what it’s all about, but be warned, as is all its content, is tough to watch to say the least.

Dayna Remus