
Parliament calls for written submissions on the Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill

Parliament is calling for stakeholders or anyone who is interested in having a say regarding the Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill, to submit their written submissions before tomorrow, 24 October 2018.

This Bill is concerned with identifying and officially declaring critical infrastructure, the safety and strength of the identified infrastructure, as well as the functional formation of the Critical Infrastructure Council.

The Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill also seeks to specify the roles of those in positions of power with regards to critical infrastructure, the appointment and roles of relevant inspectors, as well as to provide for the final Act’s administration.

According to the draft text, the National Commissioner of the South African Police Service will hold legal authority with regards to the final Act, and therefore the Bill also sets out what the Commissioner’s specific duties will be in line with it.

If you would like to send your written submission, ask a question or request a copy of the Bill you can do so via email:

Submissions can also be made via fax at 086 658 9371.

All submissions will not be accepted later than tomorrow 24 October 2018.

Dayna Remus