Minister Nathi Mthethwa is looking to fast track the relief fund payouts from his department, in order to alleviate the financial woes of media personalities.
Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa’s office released a statement on Thursday, 21 January 2021, announcing that he has called for the relief funds from the department to be fast tracked. This is in an effort to address the financial woes of those in the media industry.
The definition of “industry” has been a point of contention, as some prominent artists have publicly vocalised how they were not supported by the department in 2020, despite having no income due to live performances being prohibited. Moreover, others suggested that the department has been more focused on sports than the arts.
However, according to the recent statement, “To date, the department has implemented the first and second phases of the COVID-19 relief fund. Nearly 5 000 practitioners were recommended for the first phase and over R80 million was paid out to the sector. In the second phase and as of 14 December 2020, over R2 million was paid out to practitioners in the sector. The department said 3 658 practitioners benefitted from the Solidarity Fund, with a total of nearly R9 million that was paid out.”
The third phase of the relief fund is earmarked to include the Presidential Economic Stimulus Plan (PESP), along with the Artist Wellness Programme. Further communication on the projects is expected to be made available in due course.
See the post below.
[Read] @SportArtsCultur says it is fast tracking a third phase of relief funding for the industry to alleviate pressure on those hard hit by the ongoing lockdown #COVID19
— @SAgovnews (@SAgovnews) January 21, 2021
Sabelo Makhubo