
[LISTEN] LIMUSA rejects Denel wage offer

On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 Political Analysis South Africa spoke to Dloze Matooane, who is the spokesperson for the Liberated Metalworkers Union of SA (LIMUSA).

LIMUSA has rejected a 3% wage offer by state owned arms manufacturer, Denel. The union has demanded increases of between 8% and 12%. LIMUSA says the wage offer by Denel is “ridiculous”, considering the inflation rate and the fuel and VAT increases. Matooane says that workers should not be made to bear the brunt of maladministration at the company.

“They are trying to put their mismanagement, the burden on workers. They are trying to use workers as their scapegoats and we are not going to allow that,” Matooane said.

Listen to the audio below for more.