Fans of Imbewu: The Seed, here is an overview of yesterday’s episode and a preview of what is to come
Zakithi confronted Logan about calling the board meeting. He explained that he was summoned like everyone else, and Zakithi set about finding out who had convened the meeting. Logan agreed to support her decision about Green Co.
Zithulele was comforted by Thu Sheleni’s wise words about seeking redemption from his family. Zithulele was then called into the office about the company credit card.
Shria blasted Nganona for not backing her in the board meeting.
Shria and Zakithi engaged in a steely war of words after Zakithi concluded that Shria had called the board meeting. Shria accused Zakithi of exploiting Green Co’s dire financial situation. Zakithi ensured Shria that she had no respect left for her after her stunt with the board. Shria then walked out of Zakithi’s office enraged by the argument.
Nerupa surprised Mira by suggesting that they invite Adam for another dinner. Mira was ecstatic.
Nganono begged Zakithi to share with him why she did not settle with Green Co. He also assumed that she was out to exploit them.
Phakade encouraged MaNdlovu to be the bigger person and to make things right with Zakhiti. He also pointed out the similarities between Zakthi and Futi.
Zakithi proved that Green Co never had a case against Maluju and they dropped the lawsuit. Logan apologised for having assumed the worst of Zakithi.
Zakithi uncovered Zithulele’s credit card fraud and vowed to pursue due action against him.
You can watch the full episode below:
Technical analysis
This episode had good dramatic trajectory and was far more eventful than previous episodes have been. Zakithi’s true character began to show and it made the episode all the better.
The inclusion of non-diegetic sound in suspenseful scenes aided the narrative and character action.
Here is a teaser for the next episode of Imbewu: The Seed on Tuesday, 5 June 2018:
Zakithi can’t bring herself to fire Zithulele, and passes the buck to Shria to deal with him as she sees fit. Zakithi refuses to sign Maluju’s redistribution contract until she’s made some drastic cuts to it, much to Shria’s horror.
It becomes clear that a deep seated issue lies between Zakhiti and MaZulu, but MaZulu seems unprepared to discuss it, much to Zakithi’s outrage.
The dinner with Adam and the Rampersads goes well and Nirupa becomes open to the idea of seeing what the future holds for him and Mira. Zithulele keeps ducking and diving and Bangizwe and is elated when a top singer signs up to perform at his gig.
Tarryn Jameson