
Imbewu: The Seed Latest Episode Review and Teaser for 13 June 2018

The Maluju staff protested over their thirteenth cheques as the Oswenka event was a roaring success

Yesterday’s episode of Imbewu: The Seed saw Zithulele’s Oswenka event go off without a hitch. Meanwhile, back at Maluju the staff were seriously disgruntled by Zakithi’s decisive actions.

Here is an overview of all that happened:

Phunyuka informed MaNdlovu and MaZulu about the unrest at Maluju over the thirteenth cheque issue. MaZulu wanted to stay out of it, but MaNdlovu resolved to confront Zakithi about upsetting the company’s loyal workers.

Shria, Nganono and Zakithi debated over which performance assessment template to use. Bangizwe interrupted their meeting to argue over the staff’s unhappiness with Zakithi’s management style. Nganono arranged a conference meeting with all the staff.

At the meeting the workers voiced their complaints. Nganono assured them that they will all receive bonuses regardless of Zakithi’s newly implemented system. Zakithi then dismissed the staff from the meeting without agreeing to this working contract.

In retaliation the workers protested. MaNdlovu was horrified to see the disarray at the office.

Zithulele was saddened that Msobho would not be present at the Oswenka show. However, the parade went off without a hitch and was enjoyed by all. Later, Msobho made an appearance and thanked Zithulele for all his hard work.

Nganono asked Zakithi to leave him be after she tried to discuss office politics at the Oswenka show.

Mira and Nerupa made up.

You can watch the full episode below:


Technical analysis

Now that the Oswenka storyline is resolved the writers will hopefully follow a linear time sequence for the new set of storylines.

However, it does seem odd to have slotted this finale sequence into a Tuesday night episode. In my opinion, this would have worked better in a Friday slot as viewers could relate to the celebratory mood of the episode.


Here is a teaser for the next episode of Imbewu: The Seed on Wednesday, 13 June 2018:

MaNdlovu wants to call a board meeting, but Zakithi convinces her otherwise. Mira tells her mother that she didn’t sleep with Adam.

MaZulu tells Zakithi she tried to protect her all those years ago. Bangizwe misrepresents the talk he had with Nganono to the workers. Zethu is appointed alongside Bangizwe.

Zithulele pays Zakithi back. The meeting with the reps starts well, but breaks down. Futhi has earned a scholarship to study outside of KZN. Zakithi removes Nganono from the decision-making regarding the bonuses.

Tarryn Jameson