Bra Tiny begged for his contract back while Zithulele revelled in his new-found freedom away from Maluju Oil
Last Friday’s episode of Imbewu: The Seed saw the run-up to the Oswenka show come to a halt as Mbosho collapsed. Fans will surely be expectant of how this cliff-hanger will be resolved in today’s episode.
Here is a rundown of all that happened in Friday’s chapter on Imbewu: The Seed:
Nerupa waited up Mira and Adam’s return from the concert. Shria tried to comfort her to no avail. The loved-up pair then entered the house and Nerupa could not withhold her slew of insults. She ordered Adam out of their home for having defiled her youngest daughter.
Nganono encouraged Zithulele to organise his life plans now that he quit Maluju. Zithulele assured his older brother that all would work itself out following the Oswenka event.
MaZulu joined Zakithi for another morning jog. She later convened with MaNdlovu to discuss finding Zakithi a suitable husband.
Zakithi apologised to Shria for hurting her feelings but refused to apologise for calling Shria backhanded. Shria was less then impressed with the apology.
Zithulele and Thu Sheleni prepared for the Oswenka event. Msobho dressed himself in his best for the show.
Bra Tiny begged Zakithi for his contract back. She shrewdly agreed, but only on the condition that he never cause such a raucous about her management skills again.
Bangizwe gossiped about Zakithi in the break room. He warned his colleagues about being laid off.
Msobho collapsed on his way to catch a taxi to the Oswenka show.
You can watch the full episode below:
Technical analysis
The time signature of the narrative is completely out of sync. Nerupa has been awaiting Mira and Adam’s return for two days according to the progression of time followed in the other character storylines.
Nerupa has worn the same outfit for all this time while everyone else has gone about their daily changes. Even Shria who lives in the same household has had two outfit changes before Mira and Adam returned.
The writers cannot slice time this way and expect viewers not to notice. This is sloppy and does not boast good story-lining.
Here is a teaser for the next episode of Imbewu: The Seed on Monday, 11 June 2018:
Shria tells Zakhiti that staff members receive 13th cheques without their performances being evaluated. Zakithi looks to change this. The staff members feel threatened by Zakithi’s planned changes and Bangizwe urges them to resist until Ngcolosi and Pranav return from overseas.
Phunyuka learns about the staff members’ discontent and goes to warn MaNdlovu and MaZulu about it. Zithulele discovers that Msobho collapsed and is shocked to find him bedridden in a clinic.
Zithulele delivers this unfortunate news to the Oswenka crew and has to encourage them to go on with the show in Msobho’s absence. Thando finds that Mira did not sleep at home, Nirupa calls Buhle.
Tarryn Jameson