
Imbewu: The Seed Latest Episode Review and Teaser for 1 June 2018

Shria and Nganono tried to put a stop to Zakithi’s recklessness and Nerupa meddled in Mira’s love life

Fans of Imbewu: The Seed, here is a rundown of what happened in last night’s episode and a preview of what is to come.


Zakithi refused to listen to reason and went ahead with the plan to take Green Co. to court. Nganona and Shria tried to intervene but Zakithi dismissed their opinions of her management style.

Zithulele finally sold his Rolex for a mere R10, 000. Thu Sheleni encouraged him to think positively about the sale, but Zithulele was more concerned with his credit card debt and having to pay DJ Ice.

Nerupa interfered with Mira’s love life again by inviting an old friend over for dinner. Mira quickly shot him down by mentioning Adam.

Nganono agreed to let Zakithi manage the company the way she see fit. He then began investigating Green Co.

On the other hand, Shria called up Mr Maharaj to convene a board meeting.

You can watch the full episode below:


Technical analysis

The acting style for this episode was particularly flat. The characters hardly react to what another is saying. The actors seem to be waiting only for their line to speak and are not aware of the camera’s eye watching their every move.

There was also an incongruency with story line as the timeline went from morning to evening in the course of one scene break. Furthermore, Zakithi and Nganona discuss an argument they had earlier and refer to things said which the audience has not be privy to. Nganono’s sudden change of attitude seems out of character as well.


Here is a teaser for the next episode of Imbewu: The Seed on Friday, 1 June 2018:

Nganono stands with Zakithi before the board. Zithu is asked to give his credit card to Bangizwe. Shria stands with Mira against Nerupa.

Tarryn Jameson