Many of us have the urge to explore, however, our bank accounts don’t always reflect our wishes, but the truth is, you can explore in your own back yard – quite literally.
Maybe you have heavy student loans to pay off or maybe you’re currently studying and using all your money to barely get by. Whatever your situation is, you do not have to let money get in the way of exploring life.
Of course, you may not be able to travel to exotic lands and backpack through the jungle, but exploration doesn’t always look like one thing and that’s why my only advice is this: change your definition of what it means to explore.
Once you change your definition of exploration, you can find opportunities everywhere. There are more than likely cheap, and sometimes even free, events in your area. Volunteering usually doesn’t cost anything and it will definitely widen your view of the world.
If you’re in university and have an extra elective that you don’t know what to do with, maybe try something you would have never done before, such as criminology or learning a new language. I know that my one friend chose an astronomy elective. This didn’t really have much to do with her major, but the courses were at night under the stars, with a very enigmatic and interesting lecturer.
Finding a new hobby doesn’t always have to cost a lot of money and one of the cheapest ways to expand your world is by talking to new and interesting people. See that old man at the coffee shop who has the words “Kalabanga” tattooed on his arms? He might have some very interesting stories and perspectives. Reach out to people you wouldn’t usually speak to. People from different communities, different age groups and different perspectives are all sure to widen your horizons, expand your network, and teach you something new.
Exploration doesn’t always have to look grand, it can be as simple as going to your local public library and getting lost in a world built of paper and ink. Don’t let your environment define your mindset.
Dayna Remus