
Get medical cover that suits your needs

Choosing a medical aid scheme goes beyond just looking at the price range, it’s important to get a cover that serves you to the best of its abilities.

People often say they don’t need medical cover because they “don’t get sick often,” but what they don’t understand is that a medical aid scheme is the same as life insurance and funeral cover. People “don’t pass away often” but they have life cover, anyway, because life is unpredictable.

I’ve often heard people saying they don’t want to be with certain medical aid schemes because they’re too expensive. Granted, this is true, there’s often a reason for it. When looking for a medical aid scheme, you need to understand what your needs are and take one that aligns best with them.

When I took out my medical aid, for example, it was purely to get glasses because my eyesight was deteriorating. As a person who only ever gets sick from flu, I knew that the plan I took was the best for me because it had unlimited doctor’s visits.

I took a day-to-day plan because I wanted to see how good the scheme was, before adding on a hospital plan. I didn’t mind going without a hospital plan because I’ve never been hospitalized and my illnesses never call for hospitalization. With medical aids, you get what you pay for. If your premiums are R500, expect benefits worth around that much.

On this plan, you most likely can only visit the optometrist, dentist and a specialist once a year. It’s also likely that this kind of plan doesn’t cover chronic illnesses, so when looking for a medical aid scheme, keep your needs in mind.