The FF Plus has called the ANC’s proposed new National Retirement Fund “nothing but creeping communism,” as it observes the ruling party’s supposed efforts to destroy the economy.
On Thursday, 19 August 2021, the Freedom Front Plus (FF Plus) called the African National Congress’ (ANC) new National Retirement Fund “nothing but creeping communism.” The party stated that it would oppose this proposal by the ANC government, as it has now become clear that the ruling party does not have the will or ability to make much-needed structural changes that are required to reverse the sharp downward trajectory of the economy, as required by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The FF Plus believes that the South African economy cannot afford the proposed new National Retirement Fund, as the costs involved could completely destroy the middle-class and leave South Africa with a very small percentage of the wealthy elite and masses of extremely poor people. It further expressed that in addition to this, the proposed fund would create a new pool of funds that may be looted.
The FF Plus also observed what it has referred to as the government’s “actions of creeping communism,” noting that as the ruling party’s policies fail and the value in the market-orientated economy is increasingly destroyed, it will increasingly dip its fingers in remaining pools of value.
See the post below.
Die ANC is benoud oor sy tanende steunvlakke weens die vernietigingstog van sy eie swak ekonomiese beleid oor die laaste 27 jaar, sy irrasionale reaksie op die Covid-19-pandemie en sy platvoetige reaksie op die onluste wat dalk weer kan opvlam.