A seven-person delegation of senior education officials from Lesotho will spend a week in Kenya, studying how the government has ensured all school age children get quality learning.
The officials are in the country to study how the Ministry of Education has been implementing the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Code named Kenya Primary Education Development Project (PRIEDE), which supporting Early Grade Mathematics (EGM) public primary school education sub-sector in Kenya at a cost of 88.4 million dollars.
The delegation, led by Chief Executive Officer of Secondary education in Lesotho, Bertha M Seutloali, will visit primary and secondary school in Embu and Kirinyaga Counties to see how basic education policy, standards, curricular are implemented at school level.
In a statement on Wednesday, 5 June 2019, Kenya Primary Education Development (PRIEDE) Project Coordinator, Martha Ekirapa, said Kenya had attained a pupil to textbook ratio of 1:1 saying this guaranteed quality learning when learners are able to interact with textbook more.
Seutloali said the government of Lesotho was reforming its education system to meet the changing needs of her country and was in Kenya to see how Kenya had addressed universal access to equitable quality education for all children.
She said her government was still grappling with low literacy and numeracy in the early years of learning as well as teacher and pupil absenteeism and transition from primary to secondary education.