A conference on corruption in Africa which is currently taking place in Botswana has attracted African policymakers working against graft in their respective countries.
The plenary session of the High-Level Dialogue opened its second day with a session on Thursday, 29 November 2018, morning during which the keynote address was delivered by the African Union Commissioner for Political Affairs Minata Samate Cessouma.
The AU official warned that far from abating, corruption continues to blight Africa at all levels through public service providers negotiating kick-backs, whether in the public private sector partnership or through multinational corporations contracts with governments and rural women seeking basic health services.
Chief Executive Officer of Inuka Kenya Trust, John Githongo, who was presentating on the political economy of corruption in Africa, observed that a good law does not serve its purpose if it is not being implemented.
He noted that is it is no longer possible for a leader to be elected without having corruption at the helm of their agenda.
Rwanda’s Minister of Local Government, Anastashe Shyka, said corruption not only hinders Africa’s socio-economic advancement, it also contributes to weakening governance institutions and undermines democracy.
Earlier on, Botswana President, Mokgweetsi Masisi, expressed concern that corruption hinders Africa’s economic growth.