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B4SA encourages brands to promote vaccinations to aid strained economy

Business for South Africa has challenged brands to promote vaccinations as a solution to freeing the economy, so brands and businesses can get back to operating as normal.

Business for South Africa (B4SA), on Thursday, 9 September 2021, challenged South African brands to promote vaccinations and help South Africa beat the effects of COVID-19 on the economy. B4SA noted that now that the country has the capacity to vaccinate, only a small fraction of South African adults are fully vaccinated.

B4SA highlighted how by law, every company needs to provide its staff with information about vaccination, specifying that brands could do a lot more to normalise vaccination and build an understanding and acceptance. The alliance further stated that unless the country gets vaccinated, lives would remain constrained with the economy suffering. It also emphasised how brands and businesses that depend on a return to normal economic activity, from the tourism industry to life insurance, are under threat, and that an economy having returned to normal will greatly benefit individuals, companies and institutions.