
Another death at Sibanye Stillwater mine in Rustenburg

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) expressed their concern after another mineworker died in Khuseleka operation in Rustenburg on Friday, 23 March.

The mining operation is owned by Sibanye Stillwater.

“Since January this year, 16 mineworkers have died so far in the mining industry and five fatalities had happened at Sibanye Stillwater. We calling for more serious intervention to take place at Sibanye Stillwater operations in South Africa. We will end up in a situation where workers are killed and it becomes normal,” said Peter Bailey, NUM Health and Safety Chairperson.

The NUM is questioning the health and safety standards at Sibanye Stillwater and feels that Mineworkers are not safe.

Most of the deaths reported in Sibanye Stillwater occurred in the month of February 2018, the reasons of death are not same and range from falling rocks, a blocked ore pass, to a power failure.

Prior to this latest incident, NUM had released a statement that the fatalities at Sibanye Stillwater “are a sign of serious lack of care for black mineworkers especially when there is lip service from the industry that says one life is a life too many”.

They also urged the department of mineral resources to do a thorough investigation into the allegations of negligence and to take appropriate action.