
A systemic revolution is impossible without a consciousness revolution

No matter what political system we choose; whether it be social democracy, free market capitalism, or anarchism, nothing will truly work until there is a revolution of consciousness

It seems that whispers of revolution have become much louder in recent years. People are becoming more open to systems that are different to the neo-liberal free market, but changing the system is only treating the symptom, whilst treating the underlying consciousness is getting down to the primal sickness.

When I speak of raising consciousness, many people will align that with spirituality. Now, even though it can be a spiritual process, it’s not only available to those who have faith, meaning that we will not have to force individuals into believing something they don’t.

Rather, when I speak about raising consciousness, I mean in the non-theistic Buddhist sense that Sam Harris, author of Waking Up: Searching for Spirituality without Religion elaborates on. To my understanding, Harris speaks about the Buddhist concepts of non-attachment, compassion and oneness that are experiences which do not rely on believing in anything transcendental.

There is a space within, that when you practice enough mindfulness meditation, is a space of unconditional love, acceptance and oneness with everything. This does not require one to believe in something beyond themselves in any sense, as it exists whether you believe in it or not.

The best way in which to spread this compassion is by finding that place within you and following its ‘compass’. Through this, you organically affect those around you and many will naturally be drawn to this compassion.

This process of awakening to our natural compassion needs to happen on a wide scale, as no system can truly disseminate the dark side of human nature – there will always be ‘bad eggs.’ However, if the large majority exist in this state of consciousness, it will be very difficult for the dark part of humanity to make any kind of negative impact.

So how does one do this? By awakening first. By getting in touch with that inner, unattached, unconditional love, and by working in service of it every single day.

Dayna Remus